Our fees

  • Our daily fee for preschool children aged 0-2 years is $99.00 per day

  • Our daily fee for preschool children aged 2-3 years is $94.00 per day

  • Our daily fee for preschool children aged 3 - 6 years with the 20 hours ECE subsidy is $74.00 per day

  • child is open from 7am till 6pm, Monday to Friday

  • We are open throughout the year. closing only for Public Holidays and approximately three weeks over the Christmas/New Year period

  • Weekly fees are to be paid one week in advance at the current rate

  • Fees are not charged while we are closed for our annual shut down over Christmas and New Year. Fees are payable at all other times

  • A more detailed Fee Policy and Fee Schedule is available on enrolment


child fees include three nutritious meals for the children during their day, made from the freshest of ingredients. Our chefs have designed a well-balanced and nutritious menu daily, including morning tea, afternoon tea and a hot lunch. Every day your child will be offered fresh fruit and vegetables and encouraged to drink water to promote healthy eating habits.

We also provide cows milk for all our babies and all nappies, wipes and creams are provided for children until they are 3 years old.

All fees are to be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions contained in the Child Preschool Education Ltd Enrolment Agreement and alongside our Fees Policy. Child Preschool Education Ltd reserves the right to review the schedule of fees at its own discretion.